Chompz loved by Margaret and Amanda

Passed August 12th, 2001

13/8/87 – 12/08/01

I remember when I got you, my daughter wanted a dog. She was only 9 years old at the time. We only had you for a few days then you fell sick. We almost lost you then but you were strong and you pulled through. After that you never got sick until one day we noticed that you started dragging your legs. We took you to the vet and we were told that you had spinal degeneration but you still had some strength in you. We had you for a couple more years and then you started to go downhill. My daughter and I had to make the saddest decision of our lives – the decision to have you put to sleep. Goodbye Chompz you were a loyal companion and protector of us for 14 years

Love Margaret and Amanda

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