Thumbs loved by The Meehan Family
Passed October 28th, 2019
Grub-grub, you were taken from us way too soon. You lived your life at full speed, and what you packed into the time you were “home” was amazing. We thought we had years with you, not just months. You stuck by Mum during the day, but once Dad came through the door in the evening, no-one else existed. You loved your technology – particularly watching tennis, v8’s and Ice Age on tv. But nothing could compare to your love for your Dad. The second you were picked up, your motor went into loud mode. You loved being loved. And your bacon. You’d sell your soul for bacon. Keep your big sister in line (like you tried to keep your earthly sister) and we will meet again. You’ve left a massive hole in our hearts that can’t be filled. Rest easy my boof. We love you.